1) Tent and Canopy Business for Sale......all tents
and accessories new within 3 years......there are 4 20 X 20 and 1 35 X 40
tent......comes with many extra's.......Can be sold with tables and chairs as
well. There is a list of contracts that comes with the- business and a
guarantee of passing along your name to anyone who calls for rentals. Serious
inquiries only please!!! Contact 274-9673 or cell 276-1293 or email: docnsam@shaw.ca
2) Wedding and Event Decorating and Rental Business
for sale. Will come with all necessary training to do the job. Tons of
inventory. All current contacts and further bookings to be passed along to the
new owner. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY please.....call 274-9673 or cell 276-1293 or
email: docnsam@shaw.ca